Drag and drop

Drag and drop is a particular type of contextual UI. The main difference is that any action can work with a deeper context of:

  • what is being dragged
  • where it is being dragged
  • where it was dropped
Notion.so block insertion:


  • Good context.
    The drag and drop inherently works with more context than any basic UI. The action can feel natural and logical (drag and drop to reorder things is natural).

  • Interaction. When done well, from the start to the end, the user can receive visual feedback on the current action, for example with a preview of the dropped result. It allows to carry unusually complex actions in a single, natural movement. For example, in OSX, you can drag a file, navigate down a folder hierarchy by hovering it, before dropping the file.

  • Limited visual clutter.
    Drag-n-drop capability can be added to most existing objects on screen

  • Easy to remember.


  • Bad coverage. Few action lend themselves to drag and drop.

  • Slow and tedious. Yup.

  • Conflicts with other UIs. Drag-and-dropping can easily conflict with simple click actions.

  • Bad discoverability. Outside universally accepted interaction, such as re-ordering or moving things, drag-n-drop is not an instinctive UX.

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